AMON AMARTH – a name like an insurmountable cliff, like a towering wave, like an all-destroying hammer blow, like the epitome of power! Even Thor the Thunder God himself would be awestruck if front man Johan Hegg, one of the greatest stars of today's metal world, and his cohorts drew near. “Twilight of the Thunder God” is the title of their new album, which has to follow in the monumental footsteps left by its predecessor “With Oden on our Side”, the record that propelled AMON AMARTH to the forefront of the entire metal scene. Looking at the readers' polls of such illustrious magazines as Metal Hammer, the band can be found in the Top Ten of almost every (positive) category. The group has even managed to claim a lasting place in the Best Band of all Time list among its permanent residents SLAYER, METALLICA, AC/DC and MOTÖRHEAD. But still, mainstream isn't part of AMON AMARTH's vocabulary, even into their seventh studio album. The five-piece ravages and pillages more vehemently than ever before with timeless hymns, their very own and uncomparable melodies, their harsh riff attacks, their epic moments and a Johan Hegg delivering the performance of his life. “Twilight of the Thunder God” is the viking metal sword among chart-oriented plastic, Thor's Hammer on the head of the enemy, a battlefield for real men, the ultimate triumph of the Vikings. AMON AMARTH – the most popular and relevant extreme metal band of the year!