Rejoice! Following a triumphant "Ancient Glacial Resurgence" in September 2023, Imperial Crystalline Entombment's infamous 2004 debut "Apocalyptic End in White" is once again available on long out-of-print CD. Originating in 2003 after the arctic summoning of the ancient astral Anti-God "Råvaskieth", I.C.E. was manifested through the hypothermic possession of four unwilling dead souls - "IceSickKill", "Blisserred", "Bleak" and "Mammoth" - who vowed to stop at nothing until a frozen wasteland was achieved. "Apocalyptic End in White" is a violent tempest of intense riffing and brutally compulsive songcraft, and a fierce rebuttal to the theory that Black Metal went fallow in the early 2000s. Possessed by the fanatical mysticism of full-bodied Norwegian BM and the power of contemporaneous battering-ram Death Metal, the band plays here as one freezing, breathing organism to produce a cult classic which still feels fresh as the driven snow.
1. Cryogenic Communion
2. Astral Frost Invocation
3. Hypothermic Possession
4. Onward Banshee Legions
5. Apocalyptic Blizzard Regime
6. Upheaving The Ancient Thirst
7. Cascade Cavern Catharsis
8. Convulsing Frigid Death
9. Glacial Lyckanthropic Horde
10. Behold Thy Frozen Arctic Kingdom