German Power Metal-gods Rebellion unleash their fourth full length masterpiece!!
Since first making an impact on the music scene in 2002 Rebellion have continued to push ever forward with their lofty musical ambitions. Former Grave Digger musicians Uwe Lulis (guitar) and Tomi Goettlich (bass)– the duo responsible for the most successful Grave Digger release “Tunes Of War” - have created a tight knit Metal machine! Rebellion is EVERYTHING a true Metal-fan needs – huge melodies, rough guitars and a first-class lyrical concept. The duo is supported by former Warhead guitarist Bjoern Eilen, vocalist Michael Seifert and drummer Gerd Luecking- all masters of their genre. With “Sagas Of Iceland” Rebellion digs out the historical facts behind the romantic façade of Viking-history, based upon the sources of the world-famous “Heimskringla”. This saga-collection from Iceland delivers all a Metal-concept-album needs: Heroes and their deeds!